At Simmons & Ortlieb PLLC we have extensive experience in Landlord/Tenant matters, representing both landlords and tenants on a variety of issues, including:
- Evictions
- Security Deposit Issues
- Payment Disputes
- Conditions of Disrepair
- Matters involving HUD, and Section 8 Housing
- Preparation and Review of Leases and Lease Extensions
- Tenant Default/Landlord Default
- Tenant Nuisance/Landlord Nuisance
For commercial properties, please be advised: all leases are not the same! Hidden in what many consider “boilerplate” language are traps lurking for the unwary. We will customize your lease to fit your needs and protect your interests. For residential properties, many people are unaware of the rights and obligations involved with renting a home. Do not sign a lease without letting us review it and consult with you.
As a Landlord, you need to be very careful when evicting a tenant, as there are many procedures which must be strictly followed, or you run the risk of subjecting yourself to stiff penalties, including double or triple damages and attorney’s fees. Let us give you peace of mind by managing this process for you, ensuring that you get the desired result instead of undesired consequences.
As a Tenant, you have certain rights regarding the quiet enjoyment of your rented premises and the prompt return of your security deposit when you leave. We have been successful in getting judgments against landlords for thousands of dollars for failure to properly maintain the premises and failure to return tenants’ security deposits. Let us help you fight for your rights.